Jan 3, 2022

What is HR Management Software?

Larger businesses with employees ranging from double figures to triple figures might find themselves in need of an HR system or are already using one. HR software is an essential tool for most companies and can manage and monitor everything to do with their employees, from day to day, to long term planning, salary, sick days, and performance. 

Human resources departments deal with a lot of data, especially when they have a lot of employees to manage. So, they must have software that can keep up with all their needs, not just some of them. 

Some of the main things an HR representative might work with are:

  • Employee Information/records
  • Time & Absence Management
  • Benefits Management
  • Payroll
  • KPI and appraisal recording (performance management)
  • Training and induction protocols and media
  • Recruitment and job descriptions
  • Training budgets and management

Properly designed custom HR management software can help manage all of these elements, making a task much easier to complete, track and action. For example, you can program automatic notices to employees for events, such as annual meetings, performance reviews or training. Payroll can be managed, reviewed, and checked against inflation much easier, and employee appraisals can be recorded to track progress and performance. We couldn’t imagine the difficulty of running an HR department without properly designed HR software!

Staff will be grateful for a  fully functioning, well-designed HR system to help make their job easier. For example, you may feel like you need additional reporting capabilities and the ability to store, process and create electronic contracts and documents – great for a company going paperless or watching their carbon footprint! Businesses change and grow, so getting custom HR management software is excellent for HR departments. You can add and take away different features to best supply your staff in carrying out their day-to-day tasks as you see fit.

Custom HR software should be easy to use, process information quickly and integrate with other management software you already have. If you would like an estimation, speak to us about your needs. Smashed Crab provides personal service on a schedule that fits you. If you are interested in learning more about how HR Management Software could work for you and your team, drop us a call at 01482 935 356 or email at Contact@SmashedCrabSoftware.com. Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form below.

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