Plain-English, jargon-free answers to the questions we are asked the most.

If your question isn't listed here, please get in touch and we'd be happy to help.

Would Digital Transformation help reduce cost for my business?

This is a prime reason for embarking on improving systems. Taking manual or repetitive tasks into the digital era help can reduce errors, improve workflow and save costs. If you would like to know how custom software could do this for your organisation, please get in touch.

Will you sign a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) to protect my business?

Yes, we have had many clients that require us to sign an NDA. We can provide you with a basic NDA that will cover most situations, or we are happy to sign something written by you.

Why should I choose bespoke software over off-the-shelf for my business?

All businesses are unique. Some can’t find a ready built solution that fits. Whether the issue is lack of required functionality or having to pay for too much functionality, for some businesses, bespoke is best.

Will my business data in your cloud based software be secure?

The short answer is that it will be much more secure in the cloud than almost anywhere else. Robust security protocols alongside data being segmented and backed up means that there is no single point of failure that would cause a data breach. Comparing this with a local server or the computers in your office, it’s much more secure!

Who owns the IP (Intellectual Property) for the bespoke software developed for us?

Because we have developed a number of in-house tools  to speed up the development process, we retain the ownership of the underlying code. However, we give you an unlimited licence to use, distribute and sell the solution that comes out of it.

Think of it like building a car: you wouldn't expect us to reinvent some parts, like the wheel (our pre-developed code), but you have the right to sell the cars that come out of it (your bespoke solution.)

Get in touch to talk through this more, we can be flexible where required.

What size of businesses do you develop software for?

Smashed Crab Software have worked with businesses of all sizes from small start-ups to large multinationals. If you need custom software, we can develop it for you.

What affects the cost of a custom made software package?

There are many factors that we consider when pricing a software solution. We are always very happy to talk through these factors and your specific requirements - please get in touch for more information.

How much do you charge for on-going maintenance?

This is worked out depending on your needs. However, we will communicate our recommendations at the quotation stage.

How much deposit will I have to pay upfront?

This may vary depending on a small amount of factors but typically the deposit would be between 15 and 25 percent of the total quoted price with further payments at agreed milestones.

How long will development take?

This depends on the project complexity and if changes are made during the build. We can talk through this in the first meeting or call.

Do you develop software for the education industry?


We have experience developing software that integrates with various Management Information Systems (MIS) for functions such as online application and contact forms, digital student journey records and online enrolment.

I am in the middle of development with another company who I am not happy with, can you take over the project?

We are happy to discuss taking over a software build with you to see if this is possible. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Do you train our staff on how to use the software on launch?

We offer two hours virtual training as part of the package. We recommend we train 2 or 3 members of staff at the same time, with the view that they will become the trainers to the rest of the organisation.

Do I pay a license fee per user?


Unlike other software companies, we don't charge on a per user basis. It's your software and you can add as many users as you like. The only limit is the server running your system, and we can scale this up if required.

Can you host my software?


We are a cloud-first company and most software we build is developed on and deployed to Microsoft Azure - our favourite hosting provider!

The price will vary depending on the number of resources (servers, data-bases etc) required.

Can my custom software integrate with my accounting package?

Yes it can. Just let us know what accounting package you use and what it needs to pull in/export and we will do the rest.

Do you develop software for all industries?

Smashed Crab Software have produced custom solutions for many industries. We are confident that no matter your industry, we can develop the right software for your business or not for profit organisation.

Can you build software that will integrate with Xero accounting?

Yes. We use a series of APIs to export and import live information from accounting software such as Xero.